Look through 300 lenses at once…

I suppose this is just photography day 🙂 I just stumbled across these images and was pretty floored. Initially i thought they were some sort of acrylic or oil painting. The artist, Switzerland-based Corinne Vionnet, conducts an online search and sifts through photo sharing sites and carefully layers 200-300 photos on top of one another until she gets her desired result.

Its pretty amazing – you can see silhouettes of hundred of figures and unique angles. It so interesting that you are looking through hundreds of lenses at the same moment…

Check out other work at CorinneVionnet.com.



Check out Photojojo… if you are a photographer or know a photographer (come on, who doesnt these days?) then you should check out this site. It has everything from fun cameras, unique frames and photo related toys! For example:

Yes, this is a mug. The details on it are crazy and you can even switch the autofocus switch and theres a lens-cap lid! Rock!


Or this White Balance Lens cap….  super easy to use and consistent white balance every time.  And from Photojojo :

Note: You may look a little silly setting your white balance by taking a photo with your lens cap still on, but the results are worth it. We promise.

It’s basically like B&H Photo’s 5 year old son. Not for professional camera buying but lots of silly toys!

So sometimes i’m girlie…

But i LOVE these!

Yes that is right – girlie camera bags. and i love them. I guess that means I’m not a true tomboy anymore. Dont worry – I wouldn’t use this for a professional photoshoot or when I’m running around in the Dominican Republic or China… but going out with my ladies and snappin a few shots – i say this is a mighty stylish way to do so. It’s definitely a great Christmas present idea for any of your incredibly awesome yet stylish photographer friends you might have… (hint hint, *wink wink) Especially this one…

or this one…

this is almost painful to admit.