House Hunting

So we’ve gone back and fourth about getting a house the last few months partly because we are both in between jobs. Since we both got new fancy (and one not so fancy) jobs, we are back to hitting the webs for houses! Nope, no lake houses with infinity pools, but a fun fixer upper sounds perfect-o. There are definitely pros and cons to buying a house… lets start with the obvious pros:


  • Umm, you have a flippin house! Awesome!
  • Complete design freedom (i cant wait to knock down some walls, build porches, and paint the crap out of it)
  • Equity – you’re putting your money into a mortgage instead of someone else’s pocket
  • Most mortgages we are looking at would be around the same price as apartment rentals in Austin
  • PRIVACY! We can hear our neighbors newborn baby crying all night. We also probably annoy our current neighbors with our loud music and movies – not a problem if you own a house!
  • Space – We are fo sho crammed in this apartment. Its a decent sized apartment but just my stuff alone filled the place up – add another person stuff and whadya get!? Cramped. Not so much in a house!
  • Yard! One of my favorite parts – my sweet pup would be able to run around at her hearts content
  • Art Studio! – Ok this might be my favorite part… I cannot wait to have an entire room dedicated to creativity, painting and pure awesomeness! Anyone wana come over and paint?!
  • Guest room – right now everyone who stays over has to sleep on the couch. Which, we have people stay over quite often. and our couch is horribly uncomfortable to sleep on.
  • Garage – i dont care much about protecting my car as much as i want a workshop! Building furniture on our little porch gets really old really fast. Also garages are great for storage. No more christmas trees in your hall closet. Woot!
  • Stairs – i definitely wont miss three flights of stairs anytime i forget my phone upstairs
  • Tax incentives


  • $$$ – not only the mortgage but also buying more furniture, paint, updates, etc. are pricy.
  • Repairs & Maintenance – No more maintenance workers at a simple phone call. If something breaks you have to fix it. (or pay someone else a lot to)
  • Utilities – heating a one bedroom apartment vs. heating a 3 bedroom house – expect prices to go way up!
  • Mobility – with owning a home, you don’t have it. Unless you want to deal with long term renters, you’re probably not going to go anywhere for a few years. But i love austin – why would anyone want to move?!
  • Amenities – bye bye pool 😦 this is a big downer – i love the gym and the pool here! I guess i could tan in the backyard. Kiddie pool anyone?
  • Location – the better location the more expensive. The further away from central, the better the price and the better the house. But we want to be as central as possible… its definitely true: “Location, Location, Location”
  • Down Payment – You’ve gotta have a lot of cash saved up. Banks require about 5% down which is $10,000 on a $200,000 home. Yikes!
  • Property taxes – eww

We are definitely flexible – if we stay in this apartment for another year (or three) we are completely content. We have so much and so much to be thankful for. Someday we will most likely buy a house… I’ll keep you updated on if its sooner or later!


How Pinterest Planned my Wedding

First off, let the record be know that Pinterest didn’t actually PLAN my wedding. A lovely wedding planner/kick a** friend named Ashley did. Pinterest didnt put in time, blood and lots of sweat like she did (no really, she was injured and bled multiple times, one from trekking through the forrest in high heels). With that said… here is how Pinterest inspired almost every element of my wedding.

Step One:

Make a Pinterest account

Step Two:

Make a Wedding Inspiration board

Mine is called “Tyin the Knot” with dozens of pictures of dresses, invitations, cakes, veils, photos, etc.

Step Three:

Post every photo of everything that you love or are inspired by on the board. Voila! Wedding planned!

For example… here is the inspiration for my dress:

And heres my dress!

From that first picture i realized how much i LOVE tea length dresses and sweetheart necklines. Before the wedding i knew ZERO about wedding dresses but it didnt matter. I saw a picture i loved and the FIRST dress at the FIRST boutique i went to was perfectly me. ( i went to maybe 12 other shops after that at the request of friends/family)

And how about the cake? Found this cake and loved the simplicity of it. Also the dimensions – having three different smaller cakes added a fun dimension to it. Throw on some of your flowers and voila!

I havent received all the photos back yet from the photographer but heres one side shot of the cakes!

Even the color palate was inspired by pinterest. Actually i’ll go ahead and say it was stolen. Heres the “inspiration” photo…

And here is the color palate that i sent to everyone:

So yea, lets go ahead and say it didnt inspire the color palate. It provided it.

And one of my favorites? The flowers… Chelsea Moon did all the flowers all while she was in LA! She flew in 2 days before the wedding to set everything up and she also sang at the wedding! If you need flowers, i HIGHLY recommend her! Also, get on itunes and buy her album “Chelsea Moon and Uncle Daddy” Hymn Project, Vol. 1  and shes in the process of recording an all new album to be out soon! Check out her website for more info.

Anyway, so heres some Pinterest inspiration shots of flowers that i just loved:

 I loved the huge roses with dozens of petals mixed with the blue spiky flowers and other unique plants

I’m obsessed with this arrangement. It has the same blue spiky flowers but with a fun pop of color!

Ignore the bad facebook photo but heres one of the beautiful funky bouquets:

It really couldnt have been more perfect or more me.

It just ended up being a fun, relaxed wedding that couldn’t have been more perfect. If you live in Austin and need any recommendations on a caterer, florist, music, photographer, invitations, programs – anything… they were all AMAZING. That was one of the easiest parts of the wedding… If you hire people that are fun and professional.. theres nothing to stress about. They will all do their job at the best of their ability.

And of course, i need to send out my thanks to pinterest for inspiring every aspect of my wedding. And dont worry, ill get into more details.. photos should be in in the next week or two so i can post more about the behind the scenes details!


The new digs…

Oh how i love thee, new apartment! Your cleanliness, your large kitchen and lovely smelling bathroom! I wish to never part from thee… at least till my lease is up.

Guys – seriously… i cannot tell you how much I’ve ADORED my new place! I have never enjoyed privacy and a space more… ok heres some pictures from when i was getting the tour and i snapped some pictures with my crapphone.

This is our living room:

Dont you just LOVE those windows!?

Living room/ “dining room”

Here is the “dining room”

The reason why “dining room” is in quotes is because this is actually going to be my office!  I am super excited… beautiful view out the window every morning? yes please!

Here is the view off the porch:

And the kitchen:

I love everything about this kitchen… the window, the wine rack, the large pantry, the bar… i’ve been cookin like crazy since i moved in!

The Bathroom:

And notice the large garden tub? yea… to die for. 

And last, The Bedroom:

And yes, that is a SECOND porch right off the bedroom. Oh. Snap.

And of course a large walk in closet that could fit maybe 50 people in.

So there you have it! The new digs! I will put up post-move-in shenanigan updates really soon!

Huge news! Drumroll please…..

…. I’m engaged! Yup, true story! (side note: On April 1st we fooled some people into thinking we were engaged so most people didn’t believe me at first!) We are beyond excited and only have a few months to plan so this shall be interesting… especially because i have no clue whatsoever how to plan a wedding.

Second huge news….. (check out this adorbs picture of me and my fiancé to add to the dramatic pause)

(Isn’t he super cute?!)

We are getting a house! What what! (well, hopefully…) We find out soon what kind of loan we could get and then on from there. Neither of us have owned homes and neither of us know what the crap we are doing with home searches, mortgages or anything buying related… but it’s looking like its a huge possibility and I can’t wait to find a fun fixer upper!

So basically this blog officially went from boring-decorating-only-two-rooms-in-my-brothers-sicknasty-house to wedding/home buying extravaganza! Sounds much more exciting, huh?! I thought it would be fun to “document” the entire process (like i dont have enough on my plate, i think the best option is to write about it as well) The way i see it is organizing my thoughts in blog form.

So here we go with planning a wedding, buying a house, moving in all before November…. oh snap…

The Deets…

Alright, here it is… the nitty gritty. Down and dirty. The deets. Are you ready? I currently live with my brother, Justin. My older, messy, unorganized, grody, cage-fighting brother. I also live with (currently one) other dude named Shad who happens to also be a messy, grody cage fighter. Supposedly, i might soon be living with three.  At least security will never be an issue here…

This blog is basically my attempt to A. Stay sane. B. Make a space that is my own in a house that isn’t and C. explore my interior decorating/designing girl side in a house full of dudes. Thankfully i bribed Justin to let me have a second room (hes got FIVE bedrooms in this house! plenty to spare : ) So i use the smaller of the two as my bedroom and the larger as a living room/ art studio. I really think this was a brilliant move. Though my bedroom is tiny, it has a walk in closet and it’s really all the space i need to sleep and read.

See what i mean? pretty small… but cozy!  It definitely  needs a ton of work. Notice no baseboards and random paint missing in sections. Also i sleep on a mattress on the floor – it super comfy, but its still just a mattress on the floor. Its a work in progress, people!

And here is my “living room”

I’m very glad i was able to fit my couch in there – i’d hate to see that beauty go into storage, plus it’s a nice getaway from all the testosterone downstairs. That amazing chalkboard wall was actually there before i moved in. Justin offered to pain over it before i moved in – umm, heck no!  The lovely drawings by my darling friends; Riley thought he should show his “mad artistic skills” by drawing the only thing he knows how to draw: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. He is so talented. Also, the puppy isn’t mine, he is my roomie’s. He does like to see what the heck I am up to all the time which is fun… there should always be more puppies in the world. Heres some cute pictures of him the other morning.

Ok, i hate to post the rest of this – but here is my “art studio.” It is in quotes for a reason. I’ve never had a space just for my art so it’s just kind of all thrown into a corner. I am working on organization and I will post about that soon!

I know. Its awful. A few things to note: A. No, the image isn’t in black and white, its just boring with no color. Sad day. Its a work in progress, people! B. yes, i use an ottoman as my chair. Its horrible. Way too short and just really silly. I feel like a 5 year old trying to see over the top of the desk. C. Decent Ikea desk with almost no space.

So here is the plan: i want to build a new desk. Definitely something brighter and larger. There is just not enough space with this tiny desk and large monitor. So I’ve been drooling over this sucker:

It would definitely bring in more space, storage and really brighten up the area. Plus the plans are FREE online here. Thanks Ana : ) Once i have a larger desk – i am in serious need of a chair. I LOVE the chairs used by Jen of Made by Girl.

The great thing is they are on Overstock for a measly $187.99 and shipping is only 2 bones! Crazy! Much cheaper than even buying them locally and they have great reviews for comfort and quality. Most likely going to be a purchase in the near future! Ok, scroll down at your own risk… this is where i keep all of my art supplies.

Ahhh, i know right? Scary! Anyway, the room has 2 great closets that are perfect for storage but the one on the right is in desperate need of a coat (or 7) of paint and well, i just really need some sort of organized system. I recently bought a few things from ikea: those white storage boxes and the metal storage on the wall. I think that was step one in about 20 but I’m definitely excited to see how this space evolves. I am going to post room by room soon to give you a better picture of the space and really explain the way i plan on approaching these (many) tasks ahead!


Weekend reading…

Nothing better than getting off work and reading while devouring some delish Chipotle!

I just got Creative, Inc. In the mail yesterday and haven’t been able to put it down since. It was so hard to go to my 9-5 today with out quitting to go out on my own… But considering the book discourages that, I’ll be patient for now. So pick it up!

Ye be waarned… may cause spontaneous A) creativity  B) quitting  C) art supply purchases

Heres a cute video from the two adorable authors:



Girl, put your record on…

As you probably already know from this post I’ve been looking for a record player console table for the last few months and guess what! Found it!

So yesterday i thought it would be a good idea to kidnap my very sick older brother and make him go on a craigslist run with me! Somehow we fit a 60″ long console table into my 2 door Scion TC… pretty sure it was illegal and very dangerous. I had to move the passenger chair all the way up and had my brother (attempt) to drive my manual car while sick. My head was touching the glass of the windshield and the airbag was only a few inches from my face. Of course Justin decided to still drive like a maniac even though a crash would undoubtably result in my untimely death. BUT all of this for a good cause… an amazing fixer upper for only 40 bucks! Here are the pictures from the Craigslist ad (since it was 8pm and dark when we decided to pick it up!)

Don’t let your eyes deceive you, my friends. She’s quite a beaute but she’s also a hot mess! Not only did the speakers FALL OUT while we moved it, im pretty sure none of the equipment is in working condition and I’m not sure if it will ever be. On top of that, it desperately needs to be refinished as well as certain wood pieces replaced. AND my favorite part of the piece, the front wood paneling…. plastic! Yuck! How can i restain it all a different color if that is plastic?! I haven’t completely decided the details but here is the plan of action:

*UPDATE* I’m going to be marking off the steps as i go!

Step 1: Wood

– Strip entire piece (remove varnish)

-sand entire piece

Step 2: Cosmetic

– replace front panels with REAL wood

– build wooden speaker covers like the second image on this post

– (*NEW) Build storage for my records

-(*NEW) Build for new record player – add stability and cut to fit

– Stain – dark walnut?

Step 3: Electronic

-Buy new speakers

-Get a new receiver

-new record player Found a really great one at a Goodwill auction for 20 bucks!

-set up ipod hook up

Step 4: Enjoy!

-Listen to Frankie or Billie on vinyl while eating at the dinner table

-Jam out to Girl Talk on my ipod before going out with the ladies

-Eventually buy a flatscreen panel tv and set everything up through this baby!

Man this is going to be long project!

Ok, ok, i admit it…

You know how this weekend i snagged some records for only 5 bucks? Funny thing is… i don’t have a record player yet. But for the record (haha, get it?) I’ve been on the lookout for a record player for the last few months. What I’m looking for is something like this:

Rad, huh?! I would love to find an old, ugly broken one and fix ‘er up… what i would REALLY love is a console like this:

Maybe throw in some brand new speakers… an ipod hook up and then youve got a beautiful multi use console table! And then i can play my fancy new Frank & Ella records 🙂 Now just waiting for a good priced one on craigslist! (*fingers crossed*)

Dining room table update!

Well guys, i decided against building my own table and chairs… as cool as that would be to say “hey, i built that!” there are SO many choices on Craigslist popping up daily for less that what it would cost for me to build. So instead… i plan on finding a piece of junk and refurbishing it! Theres nothing like breathing some life into old furniture. PLUS, its recycling! Hooray! I’ve also decided now on with whatever i build to not buy new wood. Instead i will do what i can to find used. You can use palates, find old barn wood, fences or even deconstruct old furniture. It might take longer to find the wood but if that means one less tree gets chopped down, its worth it, right?! Just make sure that the wood is not rotting or termite infested… that would be pretty awful to build an awesome chair and then have it break in half with your grandma in it sending termites running all over the dining room! (ok, a little overdramatic but hey! i could happen) Here are are some examples of furniture build from reclaimed wood. The last dining table is actually build out of old railroad wood! Talk about a conversation starter….

Older woods are great for that rustic look but also work out for modern or shabby chic… All depends on how you treat it. Till next time!


Forget politics, vote for this!

My next build project (first one is here) is a dining room table and chairs! This is the table I’ve decided to build. It seats 6 but for a 30$ part i can make it… EXTENDABLE to fit 8! Cool, huh? Also, while those 2 extra chairs aren’t in use, i can have them at my work desk and art table (which currently dont have chairs) So i figure… if i’m going to put in the effort of building a dining table from scratch, might as well shove as many friends/family around it as possible. I like really simple and i love dark wood so this table is really what i’m aiming for!

Initially, I was just going to build the table and just buy chairs, but good ol’ Ana recently posted some “easy” DIY chairs… the thing is, i like them both! What are your thoughts?

Option A: Square Chair

Option B: Upholstered Parson Chair

There are multiple pros and cons with each chair. Lets start with cons because, well… i like to mix things up.


  • Opt A: intricate woodwork will be tricky to get even and also make the chair less sturdy (the more you chop up wood like that, the weaker it will be)
  • Opt B: Well just look at that sucker! It would probably take me a month just to get through one chair! And if i extend the table that means 8 months just for all the chairs!! Also, I am not a seamstress.  Oh, i know what you’re thinking – my cushions were AMAZING for my lounge chair… but that was just a sewn square – this is an entire chair. Its also more expensive with the cushions, batting, more wood, etc.


  • Opt A: Love this chair ever since i saw it on West Elm. Just a fun, unique design that adds character to a room. Most of the chair is super easy to build and wouldn’t take more than a day or two.
  • Opt B: Have also always loved the Parson Chairs and never once thought I could build one from scratch by myself. Until now. MUCH more comfortable than bare wood. One of my favorite parts is i would be able to pick my own fabric! I love funky fabric so that would bring a completely new element to my dining room!


So there you have it! Opt A: the Squared chair; Opt B: Parson Chair, Opt C: No chairs and make my guests sit on the floor.  What do you guys think?!

